Online booking is not available for first-time clients. Please see our Contact page on methods to reach out to us to book your first session.
Established Clients
Online booking through Noterro is available for all clients who have been in the office before. Through the Online Booking portal linked above, clients can view availability, self-schedule appointments, and cancel and/or reschedule their own appointments outside a 24-hour window. Cancellations within a 24-hour window are liable to a 50% session cost cancellation fee. Please get in contact with the office for all cancellations within 24 hours.
You will need to first make an account through Noterro in order to book online; however, account invitations must be sent individually by e-mail. If you have not already received an invitation through your e-mail to make a Noterro account, please notify Linette and she will send you one. Email invitations automatically expire after around 7 days, so if it expires, let Linette know and she'll send you another!